

Ultimate Bug Guide! by YAYA Organics

Ultimate Bug Guide! by YAYA Organics

Everything you need to know in ONE place, to successfully tackle bug season like a pro! Be an expert on mosquitos, ticks and black flies (you'll definitely impress your friends and family!)
ULTIMATE TICK TRIVIA! 10 weird, little-known facts about ticks...

ULTIMATE TICK TRIVIA! 10 weird, little-known facts about ticks...

Nobody wants to brush up against a tick, but are you ready to "brush up" on your tick trivia? Learn 10 mind-blowing, weird, interesting, fun (or not-so-fun?) facts about these 8-legged miniature vampires we call ticks:  Ticks will not die in cold (freezing) conditions, but they will keel over fr...
Why Choose a Natural Bug Repellent?

Why Choose a Natural Bug Repellent?

You love to explore outside, but the bugs are downright obnoxious and you need a reliable, safe repellent.  But wait, not all repellents are created equal...  Explore the benefits and risks of both natural insect repellents like TICK BAN and SQUITO BAN, and chemically-based insecticides, like DEET, picaridin and permethrin.  What's the right choice of repellents for you and your family?