Spring brings the promise of warmer days, more outdoor adventures, gorgeous flowers and an awakening of green everywhere... but it also brings pesky bugs such as Ticks, Mosquitos and Black Flies, a concern we can't avoid if we want to step outdoors. While many bug bites can simply cause itching, redness and irritation, some bites can actually put you and your family's health at serious risk...
The Problem with Chemical-Based Bug Repellents
Have you ever paused to consider what’s inside your common insect repellent? Many popular repellents on store shelves contain an active ingredient called DEET, which is recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), but may actually do more harm than good. DEET (N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) has been sold to consumers since the 1950s and has been shown to cause skin irritations at concentrations of 50% or more. Far more alarming than this is this excerpt taken from an article published June 23, 2014 from The Washington Post:
“A 2013 analysis of about 4,000 DEET-related calls to poison control centers found that 450 people (over 10%) needed medical treatment after applying DEET; two died. Most cases of seizures, slurred speech, coma and other serious side effects have occurred in people who ingested DEET or applied it for three or more days in a row, or used products with 95 percent DEET or more. It’s unclear whether lower doses pose the same risks, especially if you follow directions. Still, our experts urge children, seniors and those with weakened immunity to use it with extra caution. The American Academy of Pediatrics says DEET shouldn’t be used on infants younger than 2 months, and Canada’s federal health department says children 6 months to 12 years old should avoid products with more than 10 percent DEET.” (To read the full article, click here.)
Other neuro-toxic chemicals featured in commercial insect repellents include Permethrin, a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide, which is so strong, it’s advised not to touch the skin and is only permitted on clothing and lawn spraying. Permethrin is commonly recommended for repelling ticks, a rising concern throughout the United States, however like DEET, it's neuro-toxic, and may lead to alarming health hazards. Permethrin is known to kill ticks on contact, but many people aren't aware it also kills off fish once it leaks into the water systems, as a result of people spraying their lawns with this toxic insecticide.
Do these chemicals sound safe to drench on yourself or your loved ones? We just don’t think it’s worth the risk!
A Natural Alternative That Works
Thankfully, there's a win-win solution - natural repellents made with plant-based ingredients (like essential oils) that are safe for the whole family as well as the environment. Still skeptical? Natural targeted repellents like YAYA Organics TICK BAN and SQUITO BAN are proven to be just as effective as 100% DEET in independent lab tests. You may have to apply plant-based bug repellents a little more frequently than chemically-based repellents (every few hours), but we think that’s a small price to pay for peace of mind, don't you? Let's explore these insect-specific, all-natural solutions:
TICK BAN is specifically formulated to target ticks and can be safely applied to the entire family, including your dog! Made with fresh and uplifting essential oils including cedar, peppermint, geranium, lemongrass and thyme, this non-greasy repellent is a treat for you and your family’s senses and a nightmare for ticks. (Some people say the herbal-minty aroma smells so good it doubles as an air freshener!) Cedar and peppermint oils are known to shut down the tick’s nervous system. In harmony with our other potent oils, these powerful essential oils cause these little 8-legged critters to run in the opposite direction. (BONUS! Tick Ban is also excellent for repelling fleas!)
We all know what it's like to be swarmed by mosquitos, it makes you want to run for the hills! For targeted, proven protection, look no further than our extra potent, all-natural SQUITO BAN, made with a special blend of essential oils including citronella, clove, rosemary, cedar and more. In fact, a 2005 University study states that essential oil of clove is the most effective and has the longest duration for repelling mosquitoes compared to 38 other essential oils. The second most effective in this study? Citronella. That’s why clove and citronella are the heart of this targeted mosquito repellent, perfect for camping trips, cook-outs, or just taking the kids to play outside. With an irresistible fresh and spicy aroma that can be sprayed on skin and clothing, Squito Ban is a must-have for people who can't stand mosquitos, but love being outdoors. (BONUS! Squito Ban is also excellent for repelling black flies!)
Don’t let the fear and annoyance of bugs keep you and your family indoors this season. Protect yourself from head to toe with our safe, natural, targeted repellents – repellents that smell fresh and uplifting AND are safe and effective!