Blog — tick trivia

ULTIMATE TICK TRIVIA! 10 weird, little-known facts about ticks...

ULTIMATE TICK TRIVIA! 10 weird, little-known facts about ticks...

Nobody wants to brush up against a tick, but are you ready to "brush up" on your tick trivia? Learn 10 mind-blowing, weird, interesting, fun (or not-so-fun?) facts about these 8-legged miniature vampires we call ticks:  Ticks will not die in cold (freezing) conditions, but they will keel over from exposure to hot, arid conditions, which is why they retreat to shady, cool places in the summer months.  From this gem of knowledge, comes a practical tip: If you’ve been outside in “tick territory” and you want to kill any ticks that could be hiding out on your clothing, simply...

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